Mental Health Professionals

Kinjal Jain


Tarot Card

Tarot In Therapy

The words ‘tarot card’ would probably bring a very familiar image into all our minds. An image of a nomadic individual in black clothing wearing eye catching jewellery sitting before a glowing orb and some cards with various illustrations on it. It sounds like a sham but what if we tell you that your highly trained and certified therapist can take their place? It is true.

Tarot cards can be used by therapists to get a better look at their client’s mind and
personality. It is not fortune telling or summoning the spirits. Just like we use the ever
famous Rorschach Test, tarot cards too, works on the interpretation of the client. The little illustrations present on each card invokes a particular feeling or thought in the mind of the viewer. As we all know, people often only see what they want to see. The interpretation that the client comes up with after seeing the tarot card is extremely valuable. It represents or indicates the real worries and problems that might be disturbing the client.

A lot of people who seek therapy don’t actually know what’s bothering them or are completely ignorant about the cause of their problems. Sure, with the help of psychotherapy the therapist can find out the lingering issue but tarot card reading is a great way to get the client to reveal more about themselves. Their reading of the tarot card is less likely to be an edited or polished script of their thoughts as they are revealing their thoughts as soon as they come to mind. It is a lot less proofread and therefore, more real and original. The interpretation of the tarot card reading varies across individuals as well. If one client sees pain and suffering in one card, another client could see confusion and chaos in the exact same card.

This universal applicability of tarot cards is a huge plus point. Tarot card reading is also easy to administer since talking about the illustrations doesn’t require the ability to write and read. This unconventional approach to therapy can actually help start meaningful discussions with the client as they are less likely to be defensive and secretive. Tarot card reading is not therapy in itself but it can be a therapist’s best friend if it is used appropriately.

Life Between Lives

Knowing The Unknown

We all have the fear of death, don’t we? We are afraid of the pain, the unfamiliarity and the uncertainty. Many of us spend days, months or even years, trying to get our fear of death under control. Just how helpful would it be to know the secrets of death? Well, lucky for us, someone known as Dr Michael Newton found a way that can let us access the truth about life and death. This practice is known as life between lives (LBL) therapy and it is done by hypnotherapists.

The purpose of this practice is to open up your mind to your past life and memories in order to gain a better view of yourself and life in general. During the sessions with the hypnotherapist, your mind will be taken to a point in your childhood and then you are encouraged to travel even further in time. You are led through the times before your birth as you laid in the womb, before your conception and through the spiritual realm where you exist as a soul without a body.

The clients who have opted for this therapy describe this stage as the place where souls meet and connect. The client’s consciousness sometimes is made to travel back even further till they reach the threshold of their past life. The testimony given by most of our clients is that they encounter their past death scene. It can be tough for some of the clients to witness themselves in a situation like that but in that moment death reveals all it’s secrets to the person in the trance and it is not an unknown scary entity anymore. After their death the soul or consciousness travels to the higher spiritual realm carrying the experiences and knowledge from that life.

Life between life therapy is known for providing all the answers that you need about yourself. People who have experienced it often describe it as liberating and life changing. The individuals who lack direction and identity in life can profit immensely from this practice. Life between lives therapy also facilitates a deeper inner healing that not many treatments are able to provide. With the help of LBL, you purge yourself of all your negative emotions and fears as you learn the deeper meaning of life.

Art Therapy

Mindful Artistic Output

The best thing about art therapy is that it can be used to help anyone. Even if you have no interest in art or if you think you are the worst at it, it can still help you. The term art therapy is pretty self-explanatory. It is where we employ different forms of artistic expression to reveal hidden things about a client.

Art therapy can encompass drawing, sculpting, painting, colouring etc. This mode of therapy is particularly useful for children and people who are unable to effectively communicate with words. Art is in our blood. From the time of early men, we have been using art as a way of communicating information. Art has the power to bring the truth of being to the light. This property of art is utilized to facilitate healing and self-exploration in our clients.

Even if a person refuses to communicate about their fears, hardships and problems if you give an alternative method for them to express themselves, the results would probably surprise us. With the help of art, the person is allowed to explore themselves through their own creative process. We can examine their life problems, emotional issues and behaviours according to their artistic outputs. The making of the piece of art completely depends on the person’s mind and therefore it reveals a big part of their thinking process and personality. Whatever they are going through will be reflected in that piece of art. It will take a trained art therapist to analyse the piece and come to a well informed conclusion about the client’s mental health problems.

Children having academic problems, behavioural problems,social problems and trouble expressing themselves will benefit greatly with the use of art therapy. If the child has previously gone through a traumatic event, the same would be seen in their art. Art therapy is also a great way for adults to explore their own identity and improve their self awareness. It helps manage the symptoms of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, learning disorders, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, dementia and even helps with resolving relationship issues.

Past Life Regression

Looking Back Further

When the concept of past life regression is brought up during a discussion, it is more than likely to encounter negative and skeptical opinions about it. This is understandable as many people in the modern world are disbelieving of things like souls and past lives. For this precise reason past life regression is often controversial. But we believe (from experience) that this practice is true and incredibly helpful.

Past life regression as the name suggests, is the process by which a trained professional uses the method of hypnosis to take the consciousness of the client to another dimension or time in which they existed previously. It is based on the concept that the past, the present and the future exists simultaneously. The regressionist will guide the client towards a time in their past that has become the reason for many of the problems the client might be experiencing. There are a number of cases in the mental health field in which the clients never got any relief to their emotional or physical problems even after trying all sorts of medication and treatment. Cases like these can been solved by the use of past life regression.

If you have had a traumatic incident in this life that continues to follow you into the future, we can diagnose it and treat it like usual. But what if the incident happened in your past life but still refuses to let you go and move on? These problems are not only emotional or psychological, the deep issues that we never dealt with in our past can manifest as physical pain or disease.

Past life regression has done wonders for those individuals who were not to able to receive appropriate care form any other branch of medicine or psychology. During the session, your mind is relaxed until time itself becomes meaningless and you truly begin to look into yourself.

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