Mental Health Professionals

Kinjal Jain


Mood Swings

No, it is not just something that happens to menopausal women or exclusive to younger women who experience Premenstrual syndrome unlike what sitcoms would have you believe. Everyone experiences mood swings, even men. So what are mood swings? It’s pretty self explanatory, it is the abrupt change in mood or emotional state. You may experience immense joy in one moment and then be filled with crippling sadness the next. The wild tide that you feel like you are on will be filled with different emotions like anger, happiness, self pity, resentment which can make you confused and disoriented. Mood swings could be the light changes in mood that you can ignore otherwise or the type that is quite worrying and is associated with other mood disorders like bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder and personality disorders. If you do experience mood swings, do not diagnose yourself with the above mentioned mental disorders as your hormones play big role in this too. Moodiness can be a very annoying thing for women who is going through PMS or Menopause. Even women who are pregnant are reported to be moody during the gestation period. Since men are less likely go through the hormonal cycle like women do, they may have a different reason for their mood swings such as Drug or alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, stress, diabetes, thyroid disorders or even certain medications. When your mood swing starts to obstruct your life it’s a sign that you need to take a good look at your health, both mental and physical. If listening to cheerful music, going for a walk or dietary changes is simply not working for you, it’s time to make an appointment with a mental health professional.

LGBTQ+ Issues

It was in 2018 that the existence of gay people became “allowed” or legal in India. Even though the law of the nation changed, the minds of the people remains closed as a clam. There are many countries all over the world who condemn and persecute a community of people for just being born the way they are. People in the LGBTQ+ community face prejudice, hostility and blind violence that is thrown their way for no valid reason and crimes committed against these sexual minorities are often overlooked and swept under the rug, especially in conservative countries. In a society where same sex marriages seem like a distant dream and their basic right to life is threatened,the psychological ramifications must not come as a surprise. Lesbian women are twice as more likely and gay men are thrice as more likely to have depression compared to heterosexual individuals. Since many of the members feel the need to hide themselves so as to not invite bullying or any sort of discrimination towards them, they tend to isolate themselves, feel guilty and hopeless. Substance abuse, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety are the most common mental illnesses that can be seen in the community. They are also more at risk of suicide due to the above mention factors. Transgender people are more likely to think about and attempt suicide than heterosexual people, gay individuals, lesbian individuals and bisexual individuals. The stressors for transgender individuals are a bit more different since along with being a minority they also do not identify with their biological sex. The mind of an individual who has experienced homophobia, trans-phobia, alienation from their society are very much at risk for mental illnesses that can become fatal if not properly treated. Acceptance, understanding and empathy is something we all need to learn. It is not fair or justifiable that millions of people have to suppress their sexual and gender identity, fear for their lives every single day,  become prey to blind hatred and suffer physically and psychologically for being born a certain way or loving a certain someone.

Stitch and strike

As a parent, have you noticed any oddness in the way your child walks, holds their pencil or their overall manner of movements?

Maybe you have seen your child struggling with holding a spoon or fork even though you have been teaching them to use it for a long time. Or you have witnessed your child coming back from the playground with low spirits because they were made fun of because of their weak performance.

Not all children are athletically inclined and that is completely fine. But if your child has trouble in some of the basic movements that other children seem to have no problem doing, it is time to take action and help them out.

Our workshop focuses on helping children to develop their Fine and Gross motor skills. What’s that? The movements involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the hand and wrist of your child in order to tie their shoelaces, button their shirts, or hold a pencil is their Fine Motor skills. Your child’s movements related to large muscles such as legs, arms, and so on for the purpose of kicking a ball or riding a bicycle is known as Gross Motor Skills.

In the workshop, we will be using various types of games and activities to correct and guide both motor skills. With our team of certified professionals, we are sure that our workshop will of great help to your young ones and will be able to ease your worries.

Pop the lid

Many Individuals would rather keep their feelings and emotions hidden and suppressed so as to not create a scene or avoid confrontation.

After coming home from work where the boss screams at you to face your family’s wrath is less than ideal but that is the reality for many of us. What’s even worse is that you have to endure it silently even if you are bursting with anger. Countless of us have had the experience of sudden bursts of crying and sadness without even knowing the reason. Or some of us have made irreversible damages to our relationship after losing our temper. When one does this, the root of the cause goes examined and these undesirable emotions can build up even more.

This can cause us to feel stressed and makes us vulnerable to a number of mental illnesses. Without a proper outlet, our unchecked emotions will make us feel like an empty pressure cooker, unstable and ready to explode anytime.

Sign up for our workshops now and learn to deal with your emotions, the right, and a healthy way. Knowing how to deal with your deepest emotions are a luxury that many of us seem to lack, with our guidance you will see that there is no reason to suppress your emotions and learn new ways to understand your complicated feelings.

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