Mental Health Professionals


LGBTQ+ Issues

It was in 2018 that the existence of gay people became “allowed” or legal in India. Even though the law of the nation changed, the minds of the people remains closed as a clam. There are many countries all over the world who condemn and persecute a community of people for just being born the way they are. People in the LGBTQ+ community face prejudice, hostility and blind violence that is thrown their way for no valid reason and crimes committed against these sexual minorities are often overlooked and swept under the rug, especially in conservative countries. In a society where same sex marriages seem like a distant dream and their basic right to life is threatened,the psychological ramifications must not come as a surprise. Lesbian women are twice as more likely and gay men are thrice as more likely to have depression compared to heterosexual individuals. Since many of the members feel the need to hide themselves so as to not invite bullying or any sort of discrimination towards them, they tend to isolate themselves, feel guilty and hopeless. Substance abuse, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety are the most common mental illnesses that can be seen in the community. They are also more at risk of suicide due to the above mention factors. Transgender people are more likely to think about and attempt suicide than heterosexual people, gay individuals, lesbian individuals and bisexual individuals. The stressors for transgender individuals are a bit more different since along with being a minority they also do not identify with their biological sex. The mind of an individual who has experienced homophobia, trans-phobia, alienation from their society are very much at risk for mental illnesses that can become fatal if not properly treated. Acceptance, understanding and empathy is something we all need to learn. It is not fair or justifiable that millions of people have to suppress their sexual and gender identity, fear for their lives every single day,  become prey to blind hatred and suffer physically and psychologically for being born a certain way or loving a certain someone.

Self Harm and Suicidal Tendencies

According to WHO, close to 800,000 people succumb to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. Such a large amount of people come to the conclusion that death is better than living anymore and take action to take their own lives.

It a form of escape when life feels unbearable. The individual may feel excessive amounts of sadness and moodiness, hopelessness, withdrawal from social contact, preoccupations with death, change in eating and sleeping patterns, etc.

Suicidal Tendencies are different from the mindset of someone who self harms. Self-harm is a preoccupation with deliberately hurting oneself without conscious suicidal intent, often resulting in damage to body tissue. The individuals who partake in this want to cope up with their life, not end it. They may cut, burn, or hit themselves and the pain they feel provides them with a rush which for a moment overtakes their numbness or negative emotions.

About 15% of teenagers and 17-35% of college students have practiced self-harm. It could be due to low self-esteem, exposure to domestic violence, depression, anxiety, social pressure, medical illness, etc. You may notice that a person who self harms becoming more withdrawn, having rapid mood changes, isolating themselves, and see a decline of academic performances. Although self-harm and suicide is different, it is possible can a self-harming person can further develop suicidal thoughts after being desensitized to self-harm. They also share some common factors like, history of trauma, history of abuse, chronic stress, high sensitivity, history of depression or anxiety, feeling of worthlessness, etc.

If a person has tried to commit suicide before, had a significant negative change come into their life or have some underlying psychiatric problems, it is of the most important that you reach out to them. They may be dealing with much more emotional distress than they can handle. One call or one message of genuine care and love can help save a person’s life.

If you feel the urge to self-harm or have suicidal Tendencies, know others who are struggling with this, do not hesitate to approach a mental health professional.


Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having carefully timed, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples.

We have all heard of terms like IVF, infertility, hormone treatment, IUI many times over the recent years with the astonishing advance of technology in the medical field. Yet, in a society where the only value people bring into a marriage or a family is their ability to procreate, can you imagine the pressure and hostility a person will face if they are unable to reproduce? Being infertile comes with a lot of mental stress, especially for women who have been told their entire lives that the only purpose of their lives was to bear children.

When one finds out that they are infertile when they actually want a child, it can be quite shocking and disheartening, to say the least, and it may be a huge blow to their self-esteem, feeling like an utter failure. Many people become overly careful about everything that they do and people often feel an immense sense of guilt over their past behaviors and habits, thinking it’s their “fault” they cannot have children.

Individuals also usually blame themselves and feel worthless when they receive negative results for pregnancy. The intense desire to become parents has a chance of putting unhealthy pressure on the couple’s marriage as they focus on the goal of conceiving much more than they pay attention to themselves as well as each other. It’s also possible for a blame game to happen in between couples, either they will wallow in self-pity or point fingers at each other, forgetting their partnership in pursuit of parenthood. There are various ways to conceive a child in this time of modern medicine and surrogacy is a valid option.

If every other door does close for someone, there is always the choice of adoption for a couple as there are many innocent children around the world yearning for a warm loving home.

Eating and Food Issues

Eating healthy is one of the hardest habits to form these days, especially for young people who are on the go every single moment of the day. It is not at all an unusual thing to see college students chewing away at potato chips or chaats during their lunch break when they should be having wholesome meals.

Skipping breakfast and binging during dinner is also become widely popular among youths. Downing multiple cups of coffee and ordering take out has become an undeniable part of young people’s lives. It is expected that young adults and teens will not feel their best after eating copious amounts of unhealthy food. Most of them may feel groggy, bloated, and uncomfortable after a meal of fries and sodas. They might not notice it yet since their metabolism is at the peak but later down the road, it will prove to be disastrous for their physical and mental health.

The food you consume affects your moods and emotions as well. The overly caffeinated drinks that they consume tends to mimic certain symptoms of anxiety and the extra energy that they provide will crash in a short amount of time. Many people in the Western world are dependent on caffeine products and the Eastern Side of the world is catching up to them at an alarming speed.

The nutrition needs of the body are not met which can wreak havoc on the well being of bones, muscles, blood cells, and immunity. Studies have shown that teens with a low-quality diet are 80% more at risk of depression than teens with a well-balanced diet. Anyone who has seen a fair amount of Hollywood romantic comedies must have seen at least one instance of the female lead eating a whole tub of ice cream after a fight with her significant other or when she is feeling down.

Emotional eating is a very real thing and a very unhealthy thing. Mostly it will make you put on weight and fill you up with junk. People who gain weight or is on the bigger side tend to be insecure, of course, there are exceptions. Since most of them have a distorted body image of themselves, it is highly probable that they develop an eating disorder like Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa which is a major threat to one’s mental health.

It is about time that we sat down and have a long discussion with ourselves about the complicated relationship we have with food and make some changes.

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