Mental Health Professionals


Inner Child Healing

The Clingy Child Of The Past

As an adult, whenever someone assigns the term ‘childish’ to you, more often than not, it is an insult. A child has no space in the complex adult world. A child is not equipped to effectively meet the requirements of an adult word. But what happens when a grown-up person is controlled by the child version of themselves?

Characteristics that we usually attribute to ignorant children will be attached to them. When a person is controlled by their inner child, we see them behaving badly in a manner that is unacceptable in the grown-up world. These individuals do not have the tools to deal with and process their own emotions in a healthy manner and they come off as immature. This grown children are constantly overwhelmed by the adult world and often makes the wrong decisions in their life. They dig a deeper grave that they are in no way equipped to escape from. We all have an inner child that sometimes takes control of us. It’s okay to slip up. But when your life becomes the inner child’s playground, you will notice more and more parts of your life falling apart and feel helpless.

The inner child refers to the side of us that was wounded in our childhood and never got a chance to heal. The injuries of our inner children are all different. For some, it could be a deeply traumatic event like sexual abuse and for some, it could be growing up with a distant parent. Whatever the reasons are, there was something in our younger years that affected our inner child deeply and we never actually recovered from that. The inner child grows sulkier and sulkier as you continue to ignore them and will keep trying to get your attention by messing up the different aspects of your life.

Your inner child is not someone you should hate, they are you but from a more painful, vulnerable and innocent time. In order for them to move on and grow up, they need to feel seen and comforted. You can acknowledge them by any means you think is right. Inner child therapy sessions will help you to connect with the lost child within you, talking to them, bringing in harmony with them and coming back to being an adult as a better person.


Bigger Problems Of The Adult Life

Adult life is tough, no doubt about that. You have to take care of bills, fulfill responsibilities, do a good job at work, look after your family and look after your own self. The pressure from work is only increased when you reach your home and have to listen to thinly veiled insults and complaints from your family.

Many people are super stressed every single day without a proper release for their tensions and frustrations. Since it’s not accepted for adults to misbehave or throw a tantrum like kids, they are forced to suppressed all their negative thoughts and pretend like everything is simply great. Also, if you are an adult who complains about your life, you are more likely to get shut down by someone else. Other people also have problems of their own and they usually do not want to listen to your grievances. When you already have too much on your plate, there comes an ominous entity called mental health issues.

Things are even worse for you if you already suffer from mental disorders. If you were unable to sort out your childhood problems or trauma during the past years, they will continue to follow you. The society as of now isn’t very forgiving or understanding about grown individuals needing help for mental health issues. This is the precise reason why adult mental health issues deserve even more attention. If we have failed at intervening during the younger years we need to make sure that the rest of someone’s life does not continue to be miserable.

Treatment can help you overcome the troubles in your life. You and your psychologist will work together to identify and change the thought and behavior patterns that are keeping you from feeling your best. If you have disorders that cannot be solved by just talking, your mental health professional can always prescribe medications that can get your symptoms under control. We can genuinely help you to get your life back on track. You have the chance to lead a happy, wholesome life and not suffer alone. All you have to do is reach out for help.

Children & Teenagers

Mental disorders and emotional issues have been studied extensively in the past few decades. Many of these studies suggest that therapeutic or medical interventions in the younger years of a patient can produce the best results from treatment. People become adult-only after going through the stages of childhood and adolescence. We understand just how important this early intervention is for the mental health of the future generation. Child counselling mainly focuses on the well being and treatment for children and teenagers. We offer Psychotherapy, Behavior modification therapy, Remedial Therapy, Arts-based therapy, Play / Drama therapy and many other modes of treatment that can get the young child to open up about their troubles.

Children usually have a really tough time communicating with elders. For example, if the parents are separating and the child is struggling with the news, it is unlikely for the child to talk to their parent. Our major target is to get the child to communicate with us about their problems. Things like bullying, family problems, the onset of learning disorders and academic crises are common in children.  If we establish that the child is showing symptoms of a disorder, we will be able to immediately take action and begin treatment.

Teenagers go through a lot of physical changes and hormonal changes during puberty. This is a very confusing and scary time for them during which they do not fully understand what they are going through and feel vulnerable. Adolescence is a stage where parents worry the most about their children. Teenagers are prone to eating disorders, emotional disorders, self-harm, suicidal tendencies and risky behaviors. In some cases, they just need someone to talk to them and try to understand them without any judgment.

But there is a significant portion of teenagers who need professional help since they are already too far gone to be back to being ‘normal’ after some kind words from a friend. This is where we come in. Although teenagers are young, they are still old enough to be carrying the trauma that was inflicted upon them during their childhood. If they are to become a happy and responsible adult, these issues should be addressed and treated. Mending Mind offers all sorts of therapeutic sessions for children as well as teenagers who are dealing with problems they cannot even communicate. With our help, young clients will learn how to cope with their emotional issues and lead a better life.

Weight Management

“You look so thin! Are you sick? Are you trying to be a model? Is your family too poor to feed you?”

“You’ve become so fat! Stop stuffing your face. Doesn’t your mum care about your health or what?”

Let us start by saying one thing, your weight doesn’t decide your value as a human being. Beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and forms. The decision that you made to put on weight ot lose it should depend solely on yourself and your health should be your priority. The words ‘Weight management’ comes with a lot of unpleasant connotations thanks to the shallow modern standards set by society.

Let us talk health, mental and physical. Out of all individuals who suffer from mental disorders, 80% of them are reportedly obese or overweight. A sedentary life style, unhealthy eating habits and genetics play a role in obesity. People who are upset or going through some difficulties tend to eat more amounts of food than what is actually required for the body. If we are being honest, none of us will want to reach for a slice of cucumber or broccoli when we want to stress eat, not when the fried chocolaty goodness is luring you in. Unhappy with their body image people tend to develop eating disorders as well. Anorexia Nervous, an eating disorder characterized by obsession with losing weight by starvation or extreme exercise affects about 1 million individuals per year in India. Bulimia Nervous, a potentially life threatening disorder that makes the one affected binge on large amounts of food and then purge the body of the extra calories by induced vomiting or by using laxatives affects more than 1 million people per year in India. Always make sure that your weight loss journey doesn’t have the potential to kill you. Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, exercising or consulting a dietitian is the best and the healthiest way to manage your weight. Also throw in a basket full of self love your way every now and then.

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