Mental Health Professionals

Kinjal Jain


Is our behavior connected to how we were raised ?

Is our behavior connected to how we were raised ?

Have you ever thought why do you behave the way you do ? Does that specific behavior suddenly remind you of some event to which you reacted in the same manner ? Does that ever make you think that am I like this since my childhood? Does my upbringing have any role in this ?


Was I raised like this ? Don’t get lost in deep thinking. The answer is already given by Psychology. Developmental Psychology is a branch of Psychology that studies how a child’s development is affected by various factors from birth till old age. It is also interested in finding out the actual cause-and-effect relationship between the action of parents and reaction or behavior of children. 

Not all children are raised in the same kind of environment which implies different behaviour of different children. Cultural, Environmental , Socio-economic and other factors also play an important role in parenting styles and child outcomes. Therefore, there is no universally “best” style of parenting.

Authoritarian Parenting

This style shows low acceptance for children and low involvement with them. They do not grant autonomy to their children. They don’t explain, have high demands and expectations, and might be harsh on children in order to maintain obedience.

Children reared with this style are more likely to be obedient and proficient but anxious, unhappy, low in self esteem and self reliance, high rate of anger, frustration and defiance, lack interest in exploring, dependent, and get overwhelmed easily by challenging tasks.

Authoritative Parenting

It is the most successful and appreciated style of Parenting. It involves high acceptance, high involvement and attachment of parents, appropriate autonomy granting. Such parenting styles make parents happy because the child cooperates maturely, and respects the parent’s views. They are assertive and supportive but not intrusive and restrictive. Protecting children from negative effects of poverty and family stress is a factor of this style

Children reared with such parenting styles are involved in fair and reasonable behaviour, happy, capable, self controlled, academic achievers, responsible, favourable self esteemed, competent, and confident, socially and morally mature. Later on during middle childhood, children develop decision making skills, courage to take actions, which is a sign of emotional and behavioural development. They grow up to be more mature and responsible in relationships.

Permissive Parenting

It’s a form of parenting in which parents are warm but uninvolved with their children. They are either overly indulged or inattentive to their child’s needs. Parents with this style allow children to make decisions for themselves at an age when they’re capable of doing so.

Children reared with such styles tend to be unhappy, low self-regulation, rebellious, impulsive, disobedient, dependent on others, and overly demanding.

Uninvolved Parenting

An uninvolved parenting style shows low acceptance and involvement with little behavioural control. Such parents  respond less and communicate less to their child. They fulfil the basic needs of a child but get detached from their child’s life. They do not provide guidance, structure, rules, emotional and behavioural support which is important for a child’s emotional and cognitive development.


Extreme form of this parenting style is a form of child neglect which may result in children experiencing antisocial behaviour, school achievement difficulties, depression, anger issues.

Colorful world of Color Psychology

Colorful World of Color Psychology

Color can be said to be a non verbal form of communication that not everyone can understand but has its own significance. We are surrounded by colors all the time and colors we surround ourselves with reflects our behavior and thoughts. The meaning of color is not the same for everyone, it varies from person to person, culture to culture, place to place. For example: In India black is seen as a color for bad luck, whereas in western countries it is a sign of luck.

The Color Psychology and Consumer Psychology goes hand in hand. Marketing industries can easily control the behavior of consumers by just using the right color which can influence a human’s mind to buy the product.

Red color signifies excitement, passion, determination, ambition, danger, energy, and action. It increases metabolism and raises blood pressure. Red color in marketing is used to grab attention. For example, Red color used for stop signs, fire engines, the warning sign.

Orange signifies communication, optimism, superficiality, creativity, pessimism, adventure, enthusiasm, success, and balance. The color orange adds a bit of fun to any picture, website, or marketing material it’s on and is used as a secondary attention seeking color after red. For example, Hindus use orange color as Tilak while performing rituals, whereas cartoon channels use it to add fun and seek attention.

Yellow signifies feelings of happiness, positivity, optimism, and summer, deceit and warning, impatience, criticism and cowardice. In marketing yellow color helps your website visitors feel positive and it can also be the background or border for their website design.

Pink primarily is thought of as a female color. It signifies femininity, playfulness, nurturing, immaturity and unconditional love. In marketing, pink is used as logo color, in website design, or to highlight but is often used as a packaging color for feminine products. For example, Barbies and dolls have packaging of pink color to attract girls.

Green represents nature, money, fertility, health, and generosity, balance, growth, self-reliance, and possessiveness. In marketing, green color goes well with their nature and helps to attract nature enthusiasts. Similarly, Brown is also often used for natural products and food. It usually relates to nature, comfort, security, protection, and material wealth

Purple represents imagination, creativity, immaturity, power, nobility, luxury, wisdom, and spirituality.  It can cause feelings of frustration, and arrogance that’s why it is mostly avoided by companies.


Blue is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity, conservatism, and frigidity. It can help the brand to gain trust, reliability, and represent relaxation.

White showcases purity, innocence, wholeness, goodness, cleanliness, and humility. It is usually used as background by websites to maintain design and show goodness.


Black color represents mystery, secrets, power, elegance, and sophistication, sadness and anger. Black is the most popular color for text as it’s an easy color to read. Similarly, Grey can be used for font color, headers, graphics and helps to maintain clarity and neatness. It usually represents neutrality, balance, compromise and loss.

Other colors like, Silver signifies fluidity, emotional, sensitivity and mystery.

Turquoise represents communication, clarity of mind, impractical and idealistic mindset. Indigo is the color of intuition, ritualistic and addictive. Gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph, prosperity, luxury and quality, sophistication, value and elegance.

Booking For Marriage: Early Or Late?

Booking For Marriage: Early Or Late?

Marriage is a polarising concept. Some people cannot wait to get married, and some despise their entire constitution.  As polarising as this is, there is another matter within this discussion that is even more so – the influence of age in marriage. While one group of people believes that people should get married as soon as in their early twenties, there is another group of people who believe that you need to be at least thirty to get married.

The talking point used by most people who support early marriage is that people can grow together and become integrated with each other’s life much stronger if they marry young. The individuals grow up together and face all problems together. Hence, their bonds would be deeper than those who marry late. When you marry young, you bring your youthful energy, passion, and drive with you into the relationship. You are at the peak of your health, and it is safer to have children in your younger years. Even if you have low times, you will have someone to share it with.

Although these are some really good points about the pros of early marriage, do not book your wedding venue yet, we have an argument for later marriages as well.

While you bring your energy and passion into the relationship with you, you also bring your childish ignorance and lack of experience as baggage. Young lovers, especially first-time lovers have no idea how to behave or navigate the ups and downs that comes with a serious relationship. They would have barely any idea how to work in the adult world and how to deal with relationship problems like a mature person. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who are quite mature for their age, but the inexperience that most bring into their relationship is fairly common. This is one of the reasons why first loves break up almost always. Heartbreaks and brake ups teach you some very important lessons about love.


Grow Together 
Become Integrated
Deeper Bonds
Youthful Energy & Passion


Childish Ignorance
Relationship Problems

Early marriage also prevents people’s self-exploration. Once they are legally married, the couple has to base their entire lives around their partner. This stops them from exploring the world on their own. It doesn’t let them get the experience most of us need to have before settling down, to make sure we are choosing a partner with qualities that we truly admire. When you get married in your teens are the early twenties, you deny yourself that opportunity to explore. People who marry early also tend to rely on their partner for their happiness and become co-dependent. They do not know a life where they can be on their own, having choices that a married person does not have.

Studies have also suggested that people who marry in their late twenties or early thirties are more likely to stay together. These couples have a better quality of life since most times, both people in the relationship have become established in their professions. They can afford a child much easier, something that is integral in declining economies. They must have also had experience in dating, which makes them more adept at choosing a partner who meets their needs better.

Our Suggestion

While love does not care about age, race, and gender, it is still advisable to wait at least till your mid-twenties to get married. Even if you love your partner to death, it is still not worth giving up your individual life and identity before they have been even fully formed. But of course, this is only an informed suggestion. No one is made the same and if you think young marriage is the only option you want, go for it. Do what is best for you. We only suggest that you think about it, see the good and the bad before you make a decision.

Boarding Schools – Discipline or Depression?

Boarding Schools - Discipline or Depression?

Sending your children to boarding schools is seen as a mark of class and privilege in many families. Children from the age of 8 or less are shipped off to boarding schools that will guarantee them better discipline, social connections and opportunities. People who grew up in boarding schools instead of their homes are considered to be brilliant, smart and competent by the outside world. But are boarding schools all good and a secret to success? 

Boarding Schools – Discipline or Depression?

First of all, children are not only sent to boarding schools for better education, but also because of an unstable home environment. When both parents are fighting or have no time for the child, they come to a conclusion that it is better to send their children off to a place where they will be well taken care of. But the child who leaves their home leaves with the belief that they are not worthy enough to stay home or that their parents do not care about them. These children have to live in a usually sterile place with strangers without a warning. If the child was told about it before, they would have an easier time adjusting to the new environment. But in most cases, the parents pull the rug right from underneath the kids. They cannot help but feel abandoned

While for a portion of children, their boarding school experience is marked by self-development, there is another portion of kids who become withdrawn and emotionally stunted due to the lack of warmth and love in their childhood. The strict rules of their boarding schools would not provide them with the care and affection they required to grow up to be emotionally well developed human beings. Instead, they might experience something known as a boarding school syndrome which is characterized by inability to express and experience intense emotions. These individuals are uncomfortable with emotions since their emotional needs have never been met before. Since they have never received the love they craved as a child, their mind begins to expect that lack of love and attachment later in life. They would have trouble asking for help and connecting with another person on a deeper level.

Their future partners would feel left out since these individuals fear intimacy and shy away from situations where they have to be emotionally vulnerable. From the outside, they might look put together and happy. But on the inside, quite a lot of individuals who grew up in this system feel unable to receive or reciprocate emotional support. This is very likely to drive deeper wedges between them and their parents, friends, spouses and even children. It is not uncommon to see a lot of people who grew up in boarding schools to struggle with maintaining relationships since they put up an emotional wall that no one can climb over.



Boarding schools are not inherently evil. Your child’s experience at boarding schools depends on your child’s personality and wishes. The decision to move your child to such an establishment has to be a joint discussion where the child has a say in it. Ripping your children away from home when they crave familial support and love is one of the worst things you can do to a child. It will be much better for your family and your child if you send them to boarding schools after they have spent most of their childhood at home. When children are emotionally more independent from you and ready to explore, that is a better time for boarding schools. If you are a parent that cannot be swayed at all about the importance boarding school education, make sure that you still spend time and effort on building a secure relationship with your child.

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