Mental Health Professionals

Kinjal Jain



“I will do it in a minute, I will do it in an hour, I’m sleepy I will do it tomorrow, I can always take the retest, is that a butterfly that I absolutely have to look at  for an entire hour rather than open my book?”

Procrastination is something that everybody does by claiming they “work better” under pressure. While that may be the case for some people, procrastination is a nasty habit that once you get the hang of it, you cannot break away. You give yourself nonsensical excuses to put away an action that requires your conscious effort. Everything else becomes so much interesting and captivating when you have an exam the next day or have an assignment to submit. That one five minutes long life hack video that you put on to take a break will spiral out of  hand and turn into a two hour long documentary about an alien abduction. The next thing you know, it is the morning of the day of your test and you are scrambling to stuff your brain with an overload of information feeling like your brain is about to explode. Although it seems amusing and silly, this kind of habit can have a damaging effect on your studies or career. It causes you alot of unnecessary stress that can harm your health in a very physical way and reduces the quality of your work as you are prone to make more mistake and under the pressure of time limit you will forget to revise. College students know better than anybody the value of highly caffeinated drinks on the day of their exams. It becomes a barrier between you and you productivity and in extension, your success. It can also take a toll on your mental health as well, especially your self esteem and make you feel worthless. This feeling of insecurity can further your problems with procrastination. It is of the utmost priority that you brake this cycle for your own good since this is certainly not the best way to acquire your goals or a healthy way of approaching the problems in your life.

Pornography and Sexual Wellnes

Pornography has been and continues to be a sensitive topic, a taboo that adult filmmakers have taken advantage of. Even though it is shunned by a wide margin of people, it is also widely consumed. In this day and age it would come off as a complete shock to people if an adult individual says they have never seen pornography. Since the coming of internet and porn sites, pornography has become easily accessible. While many  argue about the dangers of pornography like porn addiction and label the topic as completely demonic, on the other side are people that argue pornography is a way to relax, explore their sexuality and learn something new. Pornography isn’t good or bad. The way we use it decided how it will affect our lives. It is a real concern  that watching too much porn can condition an individual to have unrealistic sexual expectations. People who watch porn without any limits can become deeply unsatisfied in their sex lives. The consumption of porn is a touchy topic in relationships as well. If an individual who enjoys consumption of pornography has a partner who is dead against the viewing of such films, it is very likely that the relationship will get strained. People who view pornography constantly reports some negative effects in their lives due to it. For some people, a long time has to be spent on viewing porn to get aroused as they develope a tolerance. Some individuals can have their normal daily lives impacted by their habit. When the use of pornography is suddenly stopped by a regular viewer, the individual may feel some distress and have withdrawal feelings. Some people who tend to forget that pornography is scripted, directed and acted out,  they want to experience it in real life and they begin to sexually objectify others. People who are addicted to pornography craves it and cannot stop themselves from viewing it even if has affected their lives badly. All this sounds scary, but remember that porn inherently is not a bad thing. If you know your limit and can adhere to it and realise that pornography is not reality, porn can even be useful for you. Repression of sensitive topics or repression of desire has never helped anybody live a healthy life. We need to get over the taboo of porn and start talking about it. Porn can be a great way to discover your likes and dislikes. Watching pornography with your partner can help you both in steering your sex lives and discovering new things. There is no point in telling younger people to stop watching porn, all we can do is makes sure that we talk about it, approach it carefully and use it responsibly.

Personality Development

Even if you are sitting on a mountain of gold, you cannot buy a personality. Our personality is what sets us apart from the rest. With all shades of the rainbow and the colour of black holes, your personality belongs to only you. You may know some really charming and warm people and a few people who you would like to steer away from when they try to make eye contact. Personality always trumps appearances. You could be the most beautiful and talented person in the world but if you have a horrible personality, you are well on your way to getting cancelled on Twitter, or in a lesser budget, getting ignored at social situations. Your personality is fluid, it takes different forms in different situations and evolves with time. It is also moulded by your experiences. Your personality plays an important role in the success of your professional and personal life. If you feel like your personality is driving a wedge between you and others or stopping you from achieving your goals, it is time to take a better look at yourself and make some improvements. Being true to yourself makes you look more genuine and authentic. Many people tend to hide their real self and imitate another person who is well liked by others. This often comes off as fake and annoying. Being yourself will make you feel comfortable in your own skin and you tend worry less about impressing others. This means they get a glimpse of your beautiful self. As painful as it can be for certain people, do not run away from social situations. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there and explore. Even if you completely bomb during an interaction, you have atleast learned what not to do the next time. Engaging socially tends to make you feel less lonely and you will eventually feel less anxious and more comfortable with people. So the next time someone invites you to an event, do not say you broke your leg and stay home all day. You need to try your best to be more approachable and inviting. If people avoid you like the plague, get to the bottom of why its happening and change it. If it is due to some of your past actions, try to make amends. Offer some nice words to your peers and try to smile at them, it can invoke positive feelings in you and them. If your colleague gets a new hair cut or a shirt ask them about it, if they have done a good job on a project let them know you appreciate them. Trying find some common likes and disliked between you and others will give you ample things to talk about and bond over as well.


Before you put on a shock collar on your kid and try to control each and every aspect of their life, please remember that you will be the one who will have to pay for their therapy bills. As a parent one has the responsibility to see through that their kids become healthy, happy and responsible adults who wont try to burn the world down. To make a child happy shouldn’t mean that the parents should let the young one get away with anything and everything. Throwing money money in their face and saying ‘yolo’ with a peace sign doesn’t make one a good parent either. Parents have the ability to influence children in a phenomenal way. Like sponges, they absorb everything that you say and do to them so it is essential that you think about the way you interact with them.
There are four different parenting style; Authoritarian, Neglectful, Indulgent and Authoritative. In Authoritarian parenting style the parent basically dominates the child’s life with no wiggle room. The parents are extremely controlling with low levels of responsiveness. Children of authoritarian parents are found to be authoritarian themselves and can often lack certain social competence. In the Neglectful parenting style, the parents doesn’t involve themselves in the child’s life. They sometimes act like not caring about how the child is doing in school, doesn’t have much conversations with the child, and would rather have others baby sit their child than spent time with them. Children of Neglectful parents tend to have problems with communication and controlling themselves as they are rarely reprimanded and made to follow rules. In Indulgent parenting style, the parents would indulge their child in every way. Whatever the child asks for they will receive, essentially spoiling the child. These parents do not give priority to rules and does not punish their children for wrong doings. Their children are likely to be entitled, may lack empathy which will lead to bad social skills and have trouble controlling themselves. In Authoritative parenting style, the parents will try to cultivate independence in their children but at the same time lay down their limits which if crossed, would have consequences. This parenting style is seen as the most appropriate all around the world. The parents are responsive to the child’s needs but does not spoil them. Their children tend to be happier, self-reliant, competent and assertive. Of course there are times when a parent may need to adopt a different parenting style according to the needs of their child. Even if a child is punished for their wrong actions, the parent should always reassure the child that they will always be loved, no matter what. Communication and an open mind is crucial in raising a happy and a mentally well balanced child. In a time about almost everyone is ranting about their ‘mommy issues’ and ‘daddy issues’ the parents have to be careful while punishing or rewarding their children.

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