Pornography has been and continues to be a sensitive topic, a taboo that adult filmmakers have taken advantage of. Even though it is shunned by a wide margin of people, it is also widely consumed. In this day and age it would come off as a complete shock to people if an adult individual says they have never seen pornography. Since the coming of internet and porn sites, pornography has become easily accessible. While many  argue about the dangers of pornography like porn addiction and label the topic as completely demonic, on the other side are people that argue pornography is a way to relax, explore their sexuality and learn something new. Pornography isn’t good or bad. The way we use it decided how it will affect our lives. It is a real concern  that watching too much porn can condition an individual to have unrealistic sexual expectations. People who watch porn without any limits can become deeply unsatisfied in their sex lives. The consumption of porn is a touchy topic in relationships as well. If an individual who enjoys consumption of pornography has a partner who is dead against the viewing of such films, it is very likely that the relationship will get strained. People who view pornography constantly reports some negative effects in their lives due to it. For some people, a long time has to be spent on viewing porn to get aroused as they develope a tolerance. Some individuals can have their normal daily lives impacted by their habit. When the use of pornography is suddenly stopped by a regular viewer, the individual may feel some distress and have withdrawal feelings. Some people who tend to forget that pornography is scripted, directed and acted out,  they want to experience it in real life and they begin to sexually objectify others. People who are addicted to pornography craves it and cannot stop themselves from viewing it even if has affected their lives badly. All this sounds scary, but remember that porn inherently is not a bad thing. If you know your limit and can adhere to it and realise that pornography is not reality, porn can even be useful for you. Repression of sensitive topics or repression of desire has never helped anybody live a healthy life. We need to get over the taboo of porn and start talking about it. Porn can be a great way to discover your likes and dislikes. Watching pornography with your partner can help you both in steering your sex lives and discovering new things. There is no point in telling younger people to stop watching porn, all we can do is makes sure that we talk about it, approach it carefully and use it responsibly.