Mental Health Professionals



Bullying is not the same as the little back and forth teasings that happen between friends or the light-hearted roasting sessions between loved ones. Bullying is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate another person.

There is an intent to cause harm and a power imbalance between the person doing it and the person suffering it. Many children partake in bullying others because of the exposure to aggression and violence in their own homes. Many times children or even adults bully others who they perceive as weaker to hide their own insecurities and feel powerful and in control, something that may be lacking in their real life.

Research has found that those who bully, as well as the ones that are bullied, are at an increased risk of having depression. Although it may seem like fun and amusing for the bully, it can have long-lasting effects on the victim. Studies show that people who were bullied as children are more likely to develop mental disorders like agoraphobia and panic disorders in their later years as compared to people who were not bullied in their childhood.

It also makes it more likely that the individual will suffer from emotional problems such as feeling helpless, social problems such as social withdrawal and substance abuse in their lifetime. Many people resent themselves for not standing up to their bullies and takes a huge hit to their self- esteem and confidence. Many initiatives are taken in schools and workplaces to stop bullying and harassment but there are still thousands of individuals who become prey to the cruel actions of their peers.

Unexplained bruises, bad dreams, differences in attitude, changes in eating habits, constant pains, the decline in academic activities, withdrawal, etc are some telling signs of bullying that everyone needs to keep an eye out for. It is important that we teach children from a very young age about respecting others and their boundaries.

Teaching them that it is not “cool” or “fun” to harm another human being for their own selfish reasons is wrong and dealing with their insecurities in a positive manner can be the best initiative to stop bullying.

Anger Management

It is very usaul and normal to feel angry when the things in your life doesn’t go your way which can cause frustration, emotional stress, dissatisfaction etc. Its is highly improbable that there is a person in this world who has never gotten angry. The expression of anger in people vary significantly from person to person. Some people may explode and throw things, break objects or do some other destructive actions and others may take the anger they feel and fuel the fire of passion or motivation within them. A number of factors like low self esteem, mistrust, history of physical and emotional abuse, financial issues, family issues can contribute to an individual having an anger management problem. Anger is an incredibly powerful emotion that has the strength to make or break one’s life. Anger, if not given a proper outlet can function as a self destruct button. Although anger in itself is not a mental illness, suppressed anger can lead a person into anxiety and depression. Excessive or being in a constant state of anger can be telling of undetected mental illnesses like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Bipolar Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), substance abuse and so on. Anger which is unchecked, suppressed, and uncontrollable can be destructive to one’s mental wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and social relationships. It is crucial that a person who has anger management problems identify their triggers and examine the reasons for their anger which they feel is overwhelming or uncomfortable so as to not harm oneself or others with words or action that they may come to regret later.

Fear and Phobias

Phobia is a term that is thoroughly overused and is seen as interchangeable with the word fear. Fear is a common and normal human emotion experienced by every human being to have ever existed, even lower level animals feel fear. Fear is not an completely bad thing as it keeps us alive and safe by triggering our fight or flight response. Phobias are like fear on steroids. According to Medical News Today, a phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. A person who experiences phobia will go as far as to completely change their life to avoid the object of their excessive fear. Someone with phobia may even be scared when they simply think or talk about a certain thing. The actual danger posed by something is way lesser than what the person perceives it to be. A person who suffers from claustrophobia likely would be triggered when they are in small places like elevators, tunnels or even things like small store dressing rooms. A person who has arachnophobia might try to avoid going to a particular restroom in which they saw a spider before. Many a times, phobias does not require treatments as long as it doesn’t directly impact your life in a negative manner. But if you feel that your irrational fears are out of proportions and prevents you from living your daily life normally, it is an indication that you might need professional help.

Boosting Your Confidence

It can become increasingly hard to appreciate yourself and love yourself in a world where you are constantly bombarded with pictures and stories of perfect people who seems to be doing better than you.

The dwindling confidence of yours can have a big impact on your life and success. People with low confidence tend to stop trying after receiving rejection and get discouraged. Many of them stop pursuing opportunities to avoid judgment from others which means they lose out on a lot of things in their lives. Success in life demands confidence and belief in yourself.

One of the first things you should stop doing is comparing yourself with that attractive model you saw on Instagram or the person who apparently does everything in life better than you. It is healthy to take them as a reference and try to improve yourself. But when you start wanting to be them and start comparing yourself, you will be losing your unique self. Your life will be so much better and fulfilling if you would tone down your most brutal critic, that is you. Do not be too hard on yourself if you lost a competition or got made fun of by the audience.

Motivate yourself to practice more, come back and amaze them at a later time. You will need to make a conscious effort to love yourself and to remind yourself of the same on a regular basis. It is also important to surround yourself with supportive people and avoid people who just want to tear you down. That does not mean you should always attach yourself to a group of ‘Yes’ men or women. The intent of your loved ones should be to care for you and make sure you are your best self which includes letting you know when you really are wrong. Training yourself to be more assertive and not bend to the will of others so often can also help you reach your goals more often.

Keeping your valid thoughts to yourself and suppressing your voice can give ways for others to take advantage of you and make you feel worthless and helpless inside. You will need to make an effort and work constantly against all those factors that hold you down. No one can just hand you a plate of happiness, you need to fight and hustle to get it for yourself.

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